Quill Makes the Full Circle
(a story from the 2013 Meeker Classic)
The roster of dogs at the Meeker Classic Championship Sheepdog Trials boasts a variety of backgrounds and circumstances. Be it that they hail from all parts of the world, descend from a long line of proven dogs or just possess an innate instinct to gather and move stock – each will face the same challenge as they walk onto the field at Meeker.
This year when Angie Coker Sells and her dog Quill walk out on the field it will be a homecoming of sorts. Their story started four years ago during the 2009 Meeker Classic. Be it fate or destiny, a unique set of circumstances and people were set in motion that week of the Meeker Classic. Angie, a Meeker Classic Champion in 1999 was the judge for the 2009 Meeker Classic and Elaine Wood was volunteering at Meeker with the Humane Society Rescue Rig.

Quill as a pup with his face covered with porcupine quills – he shows up at the 2009 Meeker Classic
Some hunters stopped by the Trial with a young Border Collie they’d found running loose miles from town in the high country above Meeker. His face covered with porcupine quills, the hunters knew the dog needed attention, but found the local veterinarian away for the weekend. Not knowing where else to take the dog and passing by the trial field, they decided to stop in to see if anyone recognized the him. Upon seeing the dog, Elaine being a veterinary technician, knew he needed to see a vet right away. She took him to Rifle, Colorado (40 miles south of Meeker) to the emergency veterinarian where they spent almost two hours pulling out several hundred quills while the dog was under general anesthesia. Quills covered his face and were inside his mouth, tongue and the roof of his mouth. Needing a quick name to reference the dog with, “Quill” became the obvious name and it stuck. Scared, alone and in obvious pain, Quill was a soft, quiet little gentleman through the whole ordeal.
Traveling back to Meeker with Elaine, he spent the rest of the Meeker Classic hanging out at the trial field with Elaine and making friends where ever he went. Elaine, Ellen Nieslanik and others checked in with local ranchers to see if anyone recognized the dog or claimed ownership. He had a collar but no tags. Several people came by to see Quill, but unfortunately, none recognized him or had any idea who he might belong to. By the end of the trial, no one had stepped forward to take responsibility for Quill, and Elaine had become attached to the sweet, gentle pup. She decided to take him home with her to Greeley, Colorado.
Over the next several weeks porcupine quills that had been embedded under the skin continued to migrate their way out. One came out from behind his eye and several came out the top of his nose. Two additional trips to the veterinarian necessitated sedation to remove a couple hundred more quills. During all of this Quill never lost his sweet nature and was Elaine’s constant shadow, quickly becoming a favorite at the veterinarian’s office.
Months later, having recuperated from the porcupine quills, Quill was showing a natural inclination to work sheep. Elaine wanted to see if Quill might have what it took to become a sheep dog. Angie Coker Sells had helped train most of Elaine’s Border Collies, so in 2010 she sent Quill to Angie in Tecumseh, Oklahoma for training.

Quill took to working stock naturally.
Angie and Quill hit it off right away. Angie could see Quill’s natural talent and Quill took to life on the ranch. Being a fast learner and having plenty of grit, Angie also had to keep an eye on Quill, manage his energy and direct his instinct. It wasn’t long before Angie called Elaine asking if she might be interested or willing to let her keep Quill. He had all the makings of a great ranch dog for what Angie needed. Though she wasn’t trialing at the time, she also knew he’d be a good candidate if she ever did.
It was a hard decision for Elaine, having rescued Quill and rehabilitated him, she also knew that living in town and working sheep on an occasional basis would be a hard transition for Quill to make. After lots of thought she decided on what was best for Quill knowing he was much better off in a home where he had a real job to do.
Quill took to working stock naturally.

Quill loves to ride the 4-wheeler with Angie – it usually means there’s work to be done!
Quill quickly became the “go to” dog for Angie on the ranch. A sweet dog, he loves to be loved on and he loves to work. Willing to work anything, horses, cats, goats, cattle and sheep – Angie prefers him to stick with the sheep and goats. “I am thankful that Quill found his way into my life, first and foremost he’s part of our family and my main helper on the ranch, and will live out his days with us,” says Angie when she speaks of Quill. Since he’s begun trialing, Quill has won an open trial and qualified for the 2012 National Finals but had to pull out three weeks prior to competing due to a lameness issue.
Who would have guessed that the young, astray Border Collie, covered in porcupine quills would make the full circle and come back to compete on the same field where he showed up in such need of help? Win, lose or draw Angie and Elaine are thrilled he’ll be back this year. You can watch Quill run on Thursday afternoon, September 5, 2013 at the 27th, Annual Meeker Classic.

Quill on his way to the 2013 Meeker Classic with Angie’s family.