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ray-crabtreeMeet Ray

What do you get when you combine a Radio D.J.; a cowboy-turned-sheepherder; a teacher; a boot maker; and a genuine connoisseur of all things Border Collie? Our announcer, Ray Crabtree. Ray is an enthusiastic guide to dog trial newcomers; and a well-respected peer to the competitors.

 Ray is a trial competitor, Border Collie trainer, trial judge, and is one of founding members and current organizer of the long-running Big Willow Sheep Dog Trial held in south Idaho. Crabtee is also an artisan/craftsman building custom western boots and sheep crooks.

When he’s not traveling with his wife Gladys-competing or announcing at dog trials, he’s at home in Kuna, Idaho. Crabtree’s love and appreciation of animals began as he grew up on small ranch in Idaho and continues as Ray and Gladys share their rural lifestyle with their grandchildren, fostering Border Collies, and raising purebred Katahdin sheep.
