1. What are the dates of the Meeker Classic? Answer: The Meeker Classic is always in September the week following Labor Day. The dates for the coming year are September 7 thru September 12, 2021. We added an additional day this year (Tuesday, September 7) due to a large number of entries. FREE ADMISSION on September 7th – limited amenities.
2. I see the Dogs start running at 7 am. If I’m not there on time will I get to see any dogs?Answer: Yes, the runs do start at 7 in the morning, but there will be dogs running all day, every day of the trials 7am – 4 pm. Preliminary runs are on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the competition. Each entered dog gets to run one preliminary run. The top 30 dogs from the preliminaries advance to the semifinals on Saturday. The top 12 dogs from the Semi’s go to the double lift finals on Sunday.
3. I am a dog enthusiast; can I bring my dog to the Meeker Classic? Answer: While this is an event for dog lovers, spectator’s dogs are not allowed, excluding service dogs. This is a highly competitive event, with handlers traveling from all over the world to compete – an escaped dog or disruption could ruin a run. This policy is enforced out of respect and safety for the competitors, demonstrators and the animals. Furthermore, the nature of the sheepdog competition and other events held on the grounds requires due caution to prevent possible injury to the animals. (please see our PET POLICY)
4. I’ve never been to a sheep dog trial before. How do I know what’s going on? Answer: The Meeker Classic has several ways for you to learn about the sheep dog trials. The course, commands and times are spelled out in the Trial Program available for minimal purchase at the site. Our announcer is a handler himself, provides an informative, fun commentary during each run. There are educational programs about sheep dog trials during the event. You can also purchase the Educational Video listed on this site. Pre-arranged group tours are offered on a limited basis.
5. I’ve heard that DRONES take wonderful photos – can I use a drone at the Meeker Classic? Answer: No,To INSURE the SAFETY of the Animals and INTEGRITY of the COMPETITION Absolutely NO Drones will be Allowed at Ute Park during the Meeker Classic. The only exception would be official clearance and use by the Meeker Classic officials.
6. Is there parking available? Answer: Yes, there is a large field at the main gate that is used for parking. The parking volunteers will direct you to a parking spot from which you can either walk to the seating area or ride one of our complimentary shuttles.
7. What about handicap access and parking? Answer: Special areas are designated for handicapped parking. Parking and ticket staff will direct you to that area. Shuttles will assist you from there to special handicapped seating or up to the main seating area. All you need to do is ask and we have volunteers ready to assist.
8. Are there restroom and washing facilities on site? Answer: Portable Toilets and hand sanitizing stations will be scattered around the grounds. The trial field sits at the base of rugged cliffs that are scattered with sage and pine. While the site features a meadow for parking and groomed grassy area for bleachers and tents – at other times of the year, Ute Park remains open space for livestock and wildlife. Indoor plumbing accommodations are simply not available at the site.
9. Is there seating at the Meeker Classic? Answer: Yes, we have lots of available bleacher seating, but we also encourage you to bring your own lawn chair. There are areas designated for lawn chairs with umbrellas as well. We ask that you not leave your chair overnight and pay heed to the umbrella/canopy designated areas. Our grounds staff can direct you to that area.
10. Is there food at the trial? Answer: Yes, we have a wide variety of food and beverage vendors at the trial.
11. What should I bring? Answer: There is not shaded seating so bring sunscreen, hat & binoculars. Umbrellas are welcomed as long as they don’t interfere with other spectator’s view. Colorado weather can change quickly, so be prepared for cooler, wet weather as well.
12. What if I want to leave the trial for a while? Answer: Your ticket gets you entrance to the trial site for the entire day. You can come and go as you please.
13. Is there anything else to do at the trial? Answer: Yes! We have an art show open daily, craft & fiber vendors, food vending, Spinning, weaving, felting, pottery, painting and leatherwork demonstrations, bagpiping & Celtic music, flyball and Dog Agility Demonstrations and much more. You can also take the shuttle to downtown historic Meeker.
14. Anything else I should know about the competing dogs? Answer: These are working dogs and though many of them are friendly, it in inadvisable to pet them – particularly if they are tied to their vehicle and the handler is not present. Additionally, handlers and dogs take time to “prepare” for their run and an uninvited intrusion of a stranger petting the competing dog is disruptive. You’ll find the handlers very friendly and receptive to questions.
15. What is the Handler Quiet area? Answer: There is a small enclosed area near the entry to the trial field where handlers and their dogs are allowed to prepare for their runs. Please avoid disruptions near this area, and wait until the run is over before approaching a handler and dog.
16. Where can I find out about lodging and RV Parking in or near Meeker? Answer: The Meeker Area Chamber of Commerce is the best resource for these questions. You can call them at 970-878-5510
17. Are there other options if all of the hotels/motels in Meeker are full? Answer: Yes, there are hotels in Rangely, Craig and Rifle – all three towns are about 40 miles from Meeker.
18. Is there dog boarding services available in Meeker? Answer: Yes, there’s a very nice, affordable place on the east edge of the town of Meeker. Call Arlene at 970-878-5655
19. What is the distance that the dog must travel from the Handler’s Post out to where they get the sheep? Answer: The set-out location is 500 yards from the Handler’s Post.