• File Format: JPEG or JPG only
• File dimensions: 1200 pixels or greater on the longest side. Anything larger than 1200 px will be resized to fit these limitations.
• File Size: Under 5 MB
• Once the artwork is uploaded - click SUBMIT and you will be directed to PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to pay your entry fee. You can click - pay by debit or credit card as an option. Your entry will not be completed until you pay. Thank you.
Please double check all of the information you've provided for accuracy. Clicking the button below will take you to the next step and allow you to complete your submission by paying the submission fees using Paypal. Unless your fee is paid, your submission is not complete. Clicking the button below also indicates that you have read and understand the 2025 Prospectus and the Rules and Guidelines. Failure to do such is not defensible for failure to comply. Thank you
Try refreshing your browser or submitting through a different browser than what you are using. If all else fails please email us and we can take care of things for you. Thank you