Down on the Utah desert, fat and healthy from a good winter, the sheep have been to the shearing corrals to see the shearing crews with their wagons and wool balers.Each spring these crews migrate across the west, meeting producers at their corrals as thousands of ewes are shorn prior to lambing. This necessary rite of spring is essential for the sheep’s health and well-being.
Overseen by the herders, and heavy with lamb, the ewes are finishing up their winter’s stay on the desert and will soon start their migration westward to Meeker and greener pastures where they’ll lamb and ultimately spend the summer up in the high country.
Mustered together from the vast grazing areas, the sheep are worked into the corrals, sorted off and run single file up a chute to the shearing wagon where eight shearers cut the fleeces from the ewes.
Sorted and classed, the wool is packed into big bales and will be taken to the warehouse.
Leaving the wagon, the freshly shorn sheep were branded and worked through an alley as they were prepared to head back out to pasture.
This particular day you couldn’t miss the presence of the dogs, working dogs and guardian dogs. The guardian dogs kept watch on the outskirts of the area while the working dogs worked tirelessly in the dust and heat. Partnering with their humans, they’d gathered, corralled and sorted the sheep.
They made sure a steady flow of ewes went up the ramp to the shearing wagon and out through an alley where they were worked and sorted again. Like a well-oiled machine, everyone and every dog had a task, efficiently working together to get a job done.
It’s always nice to be reminded of why we do this, why we congregate – as handlers, volunteers, vendors and spectators in this ritual of the Meeker Classic that goes back over 30 years. This was such a day. It’s a partnership of sorts where man and dog work together to tend the livestock as they tend the land. Those who mind the sheep rely on the sheepdog to help manage their stock – be it moving through a corral system, from pasture to pasture, or on a migratory route traversing hundreds of miles, the intelligence and heart of the sheepdogs serve a purpose that can’t be duplicated or filled by machines or technology. Yes, this is the WHY behind sheepdog trials and the Meeker Classic – this is what we gather to celebrate each year! The object of a sheepdog trial is to test the dog’s ability to manage/maneuver sheep in a calm, controlled manner.
A special thanks to all the folks at the Nick Theos Family LLC for letting us share this day with them and for taking such good care of their sheep! We appreciate all you do.