Hope everyone is  faring the winter as well as possible. I know many of you have been faced with big challenges from snow, ice, lack of power etc.  Spring will be here eventually!

We wanted to let everyone know that we’ll be opening entries on March 1st through www.dogtrialentry.com again this year.  For those of you that did it last year – everything is pretty much the same. The only changes we’ve made is that we’ll be running 145 dogs during the prelims this year.

We encourage you to visit www.dogtrialentry.com and update your info – dogs etc before March 1.  When you enter, you’ll receive an electronic postmark for your entry. All entries made March 1 -3 will have top priority for the draw on April 15th.  So, please try to get entered during those days.  We will take entries until March 31st, but anything after March 3 will be on the wait list in the order entered.

If you have any questions or would like assistance – please email trials@meekersheepdog.com   or call (970-878-0111).